DeepDSL is a domain specific language (DSL) embedded in Scala for writing deep learning network applications.

Performance Benchmark

Below we list the runtime and memory performance comparison between DeepDSL, Tensorflow, and Caffe with a single Nvidia Tesla K40c GPU.

Runtime performance Memory performance

Please refer to our paper draft DeepDSL for full details.

Run DeepDSL compiled programs

Maven Prerequisites:

Maven Build (Need to be executed the below in the root folder of the project)

Maven Run (the below uses Alexnet as example, executions with other networks are similar)

After the previous Maven Build step, you can cd to the deepdsl-java folder and run the following based on your operating system:

IDE notes

Data handling utils

There are two util Python scripts under the folder src/main/python (both should be run from the deepdsl project root folder).

Default location for training and testing data

Each program assumes a location for the training and test data.

Adjust learning parameters

Default location for trained parameters

Each program will save the trained model, the set of trained parameters (as serialized Java objects), into a default directory.

Generate Java source

You can generate Java source for a particular network by running the Scala test program TestNetwork.scala. While this is a Scala program, you can run it as a JUnit test to generate Java source code, the generated code will be written to src/main/java/deepdsl/gen/. You can run this directly from IDE, or cd to deepdsl-java folder and run from command line as the below after modifying the code and executing Maven build.

Example: generate Lenet

    val K = 10 // # of classes 
    val N = 500; val C = 1; val N1 = 28; val N2 = 28 // batch size, channel, and x/y size

    // Specifying train dataSet. (code gen will also use this to find test dataSet)
    val y = Vec._new(Mnist, "label", "Y", N)              
    val x = Vec._new(Mnist, "image", "X", N, C, N1, N2)  

    // followings are tensor functions
    val cv1 = CudaLayer.convolv("cv1", 5, 20)       // convolution layer with kernel 5, stride 1, padding 0, and output channel 20
    val cv2 = CudaLayer.convolv("cv2", 5, 50)
    val mp = CudaLayer.max_pool(2)                  // max pooling with kernel 2 and stride 2
    val flat = Layer.flatten(4, 1)                  // flatten a 4-D tensor to 2-D: axis 0 - 3 becomes axis 0 and  axis 1-3
    val f = Layer.full("fc1", 500)                  // fully connected layer with output dimension 500
    val f2 = Layer.full("fc2", K)                   
    val softmax = CudaLayer.softmax                 
    val relu = CudaLayer.relu(2)                    // ReLU activation function (2-D)

    // o is a left-associative function composition operator: f o g o h == (f o g) o h  
    val network = f2 o relu o f o flat o mp o cv2 o mp o cv1 

    println(typeof(network))                        // typecheck the network and print out the tensor function type

    val x1 = x.asCuda                               // load x (images) to GPU memory
    val y1 = y.asIndicator(K).asCuda                // convert y (labels) to indicator vectors and load into GPU memory
    val c = (Layer.log_loss(y1) o softmax o network) (x1) // represent the log-loss of the training data
    val p = (Layer.precision(y1) o network) (x1)    // represent the accuracy of the test data

    val param = c.freeVar.toList                    // discover the list of training parameters

    // parameters: name, training iterations, test iterations, learn rate, momentum, weight decay, cropping (0 means none)
    val solver = Train("lenet", 100, 10, 0.01f, 0.9f, 0.0005f, 0)

    val loop = Loop(c, p, (x, y), param, solver)    // represent the training and testing loop

    runtimeMemory(loop.train)                       // print out the detailed memory consumption for one training loop
    parameterMemory(loop)                           // print out the parameter memory use
    workspaceMemory(loop.train)                     // print out the GPU (convolution) workspace use (only if you has Nvidia GPU)
    cudnn_gen.print(loop)                           // generate Java source code